Let’s start going over the importance of internal reviews. From the above image, the ratings we collect are displayed when a customer is booking. This builds trust and immediate confidence that the customer is booking with a great provider.
As the owner, you can set up many different ways this is displayed, including ratings over 4 only. Meaning anyone with lower ratings won’t have a rating displayed. You can display the number of jobs the provider has completed and more.
You can add a review section anywhere on your website within seconds. Simply go to the website builder and drag the review section yourself to any page that you want.
This shows all of your real reviews and builds trust with customers. We continuously improve our software, and in the future, we have big plans with internal reviews to help your businesses, so stay tuned.
In the photo above, I blocked out the emails and names of our Providers, but this image showcases reviews of some of our Providers. We use internal reviews in an extremely powerful way to make our services #1, and this is a game-changer for our business owners using BookingKoala. Based on reviews, we can quickly determine who is good and who is bad. Those rated poorly are removed from the software, and those who are great get the most jobs. You can prioritize your Providers so that the best get jobs first, meaning the system will give the next booking to your top Provider, and if they are full, it will look for the next Provider or Team in line.
Since internal reviews come quickly, we can tell if a Provider is bad within a few weeks, sometimes days. This will save you lots of time and headaches when hiring your Providers and adding them to the system.
Providers check their schedules themselves and grab bookings they are interested in so you can focus on hiring and getting more jobs.
We didn’t always have a Provider Portal. We would manually add all jobs to a Google Calander (later a different software while building our own). Then after spending thousands of dollars adding in a portal where Providers can manage everything in one place, things got much more manageable, and it increased business.
Whenever a customer made a booking, or we added one as an Admin, the booking would instantly show up inside the Providers account. Depending on many settings that vary based on business preferences, you can automatically make the Provider take the job or activate an Accept/Decline feature which will allow the Provider(s) to chose which jobs they want or don’t want. Since Providers add their availability, the system knows who is available and how many jobs we can take as a business.
Later once we started to grow faster, we had more customers than Providers, which led to us creating the ‘Unassigned Folder.’ This is a gem because customers can add themselves to a ‘Waitlist,’ and Providers can choose to pick up more bookings that otherwise would’ve been missed due to no availability. This works so well because sometimes, even though the Providers say they are not available, the jobs they see in the Unassigned Folder are too good to pass up, and they take it. Providers get an email and APP notification every time a job lands in the Unassigned Folder, and most of the Providers check the folder daily to see which jobs they may be interested in.
On top of all that, the Providers can see their payment history, reviews, and their settings from their account. Since BookingKoala calculates payment per each booking automatically, it makes your life that much easier. I still remember the days we had to add up each booking and send the payment manually.
I’m giving you gems right here, by the way. Think about it for a second, especially if you’re one of those people that wants success overnight. I’m literally telling you that we’ve been building and improving for years now, which is how you have to approach any business that you start. It’s not a sprint. It’s a marathon, and patience wins the race. Each day, you have to show up and do a little bit until it all adds up after ten years. Trust me, there were times I didn’t think what I was doing that day (as an example) would matter, but it did in one way or another.
One master portal to handle everything in one place (AND always improving).
We could spend a long time going over everything you can do inside your master portal, but I’ll try to keep it brief. From the master portal, you control your entire business. From the front of how your website looks like to your booking forms, pricing, customers, bookings, coupons, providers, ratings, reports, emails, texts, marketing, and everything you can think of that is necessary for a successful brand to be in business.
Inside BookingKoala, you can set up your own options based on the industries you are servicing. For example, if you offer one-time service or recurring appointments, you can set all that up yourself in seconds. Then add in your services, and price them accordingly based on specific options customers select. It’s super easy to set everything up, and if you need help, you can always let us know as we have 24/7 support. I’ve designed all of this with one thing in mind – growth. Growth is essential, and I knew one day, if I kept scaling King of Maids, we would add in other services and possibly more industries. When that time comes, BookingKoala allows us to easily add in an industry ourselves, add it to the booking page and start offering those services to clients.
Configure notifications inside the system to not only save time but to increase revenue. BookingKoala allows you to send out automated emails, texts, and push notifications (in some cases). When we first started, we would email a customer the day before each appointment letting them know we are scheduled to come in to clean their home. Today we set up email and SMS notifications to do that automatically. You can’t avoid this step because it helps prevent last-minute cancellations. If a customer forgets they have a booking but needs to cancel, they will do it right then and there. Without reminders, the cleaner would show up, resulting in a cancellation. This results in lost revenue because another booking could’ve been on the schedule for that time. All these little things add up.
Another example is our SMS notification that helps up-sell one-time customers into recurring customers. Every time we complete a one-time booking and a customer rates us 4 out of 5 stars and above, an email and text are sent out automatically with an offer to sign up for a recurring service.
We have tons of notification triggers in the system to set up and automate everything to help your business thrive. Emails can easily be changed yourself, and SMS/App notifications can easily be changed as well.
Reports are a massive part of your success, and we have built out some critical data points to help you decide if things are working and where you can improve. Take example, the cancellation report. Inside the system, you can set up triggers to learn why customers are canceling their services. Based on those triggers, you can run reports to see the biggest reason for cancellations. It’s an essential report for start-ups because if you see a common reason for cancellations is that you’re too expensive, it might be time for a change. Keep in mind it’s important to understand your traffic and who you cater to because not all traffic sources are the same. If you get traffic from Groupon or Craigslist, those users are all likely to look for cheap services causing them to cancel due to your high pricing. However, if you advertised to a different user base, your prices may be great or even low. A report like this will help you understand there is a problem, but the problem might be the user base, not necessarily the price.
You can build out forms and place them on sites like Craigslist or take traffic from a Facebook AD to your form. Then you can automatically reject Prospects based on the answers they input, which will help save a lot of time for those that go through 10+ applications daily. Not only that, but you can build out ‘Onboarding’ funnels and tailor those funnels to your process. You can even automatically send out quizzes to Prospects whenever they reach a specific step of your funnel, which can be automatically graded. Then if the score of the quiz falls below a particular score (of your choice), the prospect can automatically be rejected as well. All this helps you save a tremendous amount of time.
To learn more about what you can do with the Hiring module, you can click here.
Coupons are a huge part of early on success. When we first started, we advertised on Craigslist and offered huge discounts to book customers. Our goal wasn’t to make a profit. It was to grow a brand so we could grow our reputation. For every client we got on CL, we tried to get the customer to leave a review on Yelp after each job was completed. After a few months of doing this, our Yelp reputation started to kick in, and we got an influx of bookings. That right there pretty much kickstarted our business (another free GEM).
Today inside BookingKoala, you can easily create coupons and add them to your ADs. If a customer books online, they can add the coupon code during the booking process, which is automated (we used to do this all manually). Later, you can run reports to see which coupons bring in the most customers and which marketing campaigns are successful.
The above image shows our Campaign module which is a Premium feature. Every customer is automatically segregated into a list. For example, if a customer booked a one-time appointment, they are added to the ‘One-time’ list. If a customer booked a recurring appointment, they are added to the ‘Recurring clients’ list. If they cancel a recurring appointment, they are removed and added to a list of your choice. You can then use these lists to send manual or automated Campaigns to users inside specific lists.
Take example, our ‘Abandonded cart’ list. Any user who lands on our booking form, enters an email, phone number, and address but bounces on the checkout page ends up inside this list. Then we have an automated SMS that goes out 2 hours after the user leaves the form, asking if they need help with the booking. On top of that, we have our customer service reps call those users and try and get them to complete the booking. This is extremely powerful and will save you a lot of otherwise missed revenue.
Our ‘One-time’ list is also extremely powerful. Every booked customer ends up in here, and each week, they get an automated email that is sent out to them. We used to have a coupon inside that email back in the day, but now we send a friendly reminder to book a cleaning with us. Each email that is sent out generates free revenue for our company and all on autopilot.
See how much easier our users have it today versus when I started? I had to build this software piece by piece for us to keep scaling. I can’t complain because by building it for myself, BookingKoala came out of it. I’m also passionate about BookingKoala and want to make sure that it’s the best in the industry, which in my opinion, is and has been for a long time. Keep in mind I could’ve just went with a basic software someone else made, but there wasn’t anything that could scale us the right way, so we started to build our own. At that time, we never thought of turning it into BookingKoala and only focused on the best technology to build for King of Maids. Today we have users switching from companies that have billions in funding, and we hear all the time how they’re not half as good as we are. I love knowing our users believe in the software as much as my team does.
If you’re ready to commit, truly commit, get started. If you’re not 100% in it, don’t waste your time or money because you won’t succeed with a half-in mentality. It takes commitment to grow something and turn it into something special. Not just in business but in marriage and life. Think about it for a second. If you got married or you are married, you wouldn’t quit on your spouse when things got hard. You’d try your best every day to be the best partner you can so you both succeed. I see users start businesses using BookingKoala all the time, and then they say, ‘the software is too complex, or something is missing,’ and that always makes me laugh because I started with nothing and made it work. The best part about those users, they see others succeeding with the platform and try again months later; some quit again and sign up the third time, and they go in circles. Don’t be that person. When we started, my partner and I were 100% in, and we both knew we meant it. That’s how we succeeded.
You have the software to scale, now all you have to do is hire and get providers for your service-type business. If a 19-year-old with no college degree, no experience, no wealthy parents, no software, and no guidance can do it, imagine what you can do with the right software, the proper guidance, and a helpful community group of others who are doing it with you.
Industries BookingKoala is best suited for
BookingKoala is an excellent fit for many service-type industries. However, some entrepreneurs who use BookingKoala sometimes come up with industries we didn’t even think of, which means the software is an open book to any creative person. A few popular industries among users are home cleaning, mobile detailing, lawn care, mobile barbers, poop pick up, laundry pick up.
Below is an image directly taken from inside of BookingKoala. The photo shows industries we added to the system and are continuously working on every day to make sure BookingKoala can scale such industries better than anyone else. You can also click the ‘Customize Your Own’ to add your own industry and experiment with your own ideas. If you select an industry we have added, the system will automatically create forms with services and prices that fit those industries best, but you can always change them.

I hope you enjoyed the blog post. Good luck with starting your own service-type business. Follow me on Twitter for more free content and updates.