Finding clients for your mobile car wash business does not have to be a tedious task. Several methods can be used to assist you in obtaining clients for your mobile car wash business. Especially if you are just starting your business, you must take advantage of as many of the suggested options as the company can afford. The key thing to keep in mind is to be creative. Obtaining new clients can be accomplished through many outlets, but where you will most benefit is in the level of originality and ingenuity exhibited throughout your use of your various resources. The first and probably least expensive option to assist in acquiring new clients for your mobile car wash business involves creating a simple flyer and distributing it to local apartment complexes and small businesses. A second option that will assist in gaining clients for your mobile business is to become a Certified Detailer by completing a detailing certification training program. A third and free method of obtaining clients is to attend car meets within your local community. Finally, it would help if you were to list your business in as many online directories as possible.
Creating a simple flyer is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get your business name out into the community and assist in obtaining new clients. When creating your flyer, you want the content to be useful, but keep in mind that the goal is to make your business known quickly and straightforwardly and does not require extensive artistic talent. The critical thing to remember when creating your flyer is to be sure to leave space at the bottom of your flyer. You will want to add your business contact information in separate tear-offs at the bottom of the flyer so that passersby can take your mobile car wash business contact information with them if they are interested in the services your business is offering.
A second method of obtaining clients for your business is by completing a detailing certification training program. While it may be stressful to think of having to study and re-experience the testing process, becoming certified will give your mobile car wash business leverage over other similar businesses that may be operating in your area. This type of certification is a factor that can set you way above the bar in relation to other companies. Becoming certified will allow you to provide an additional layer of comfort for those new clients you want to attract. You want to ensure the client that you are aware of the appropriate methods and skills required to provide quality detailing services.
Third, to obtain new clients for your mobile car wash business, you can attend car meets within your local community. It may seem strange to need to go out into public and speak with people directly about your business. Due to the nature of your business, this type of interaction is necessary if you want to significantly increase the chance that you will acquire new clients for your business. Speaking with different individuals at car shows can assist in getting your mobile car was business into the spotlight. You will also be directly in front of those who are more likely to use your services, thus creating an excellent opportunity for free advertisement.
A final method that will assist you with obtaining new clients for your business is by listing your business on as many online directories as possible. If your business’s name is not out there for potential clients to search and find in online directories, you are not likely to have as large a new client pool. Listing your business in online directories allows you to be found, especially if, for example, a potential client only had your business name and city. They could enter that information into Google and quickly locate your business if your business is listed correctly.
Creating a Simple Flyer
Creating a flyer is much easier than may be assumed. If you have access to Microsoft Word, there are many different premade templates that you can use if necessary. It is also possible to find free templates for flyers by performing a Google search. If you choose to download a flyer template from a third party outside of the Microsoft Suite, ensure you are prudent regarding possible viruses and malware that can infect and disable your computer. When creating your flyer, it is vital to have a small focal element that can be presented in your flyer. For example, if your mobile car wash business has a tagline or a slogan, you may want to include that somewhere on your flyer. Here is where your creativity comes into play. Your flyer does not have to be comparable to the Mona Lisa but should provide valuable content and be memorable to those who view it. If you do not already have a tagline or slogan, take a little time here to map out what makes your mobile car wash business unique from others in the area. Once you can find the fundamental difference, you can use that as the core of your flyer.
Once you have finished designing your flyer and have added your contact information to the detachable bottom portion, you will need to get your flyers out into the community for potential clients to view. Your first step here is to determine the radius you are willing to travel. If you decide that you want to limit your radius to a fifteen-mile radius, it would not be wise to display your flyers at a business located over thirty miles away. Take at least one entire weekend to spend driving to local apartment complexes and posting your flyers on the community boards situated within the community. Posting your mobile car wash business’s flyers in apartment complexes will allow you to drastically increase the number of clients your business will be exposed to. Apartment complexes sometimes consist of hundreds of residents who own shared and individually owned vehicles, making them a great demographic for your advertisement.
Once you have posted your flyers in several different apartment complexes, be sure to also visit numerous local businesses and request to display or leave a copy of your flyer. Placing your flyers in local businesses can help you gain access to clients who may not live in an apartment complex, particularly homeowners. Because the companies you visit already have constant traffic, you do not have to be concerned with your flyers not being seen by potential clients. The good thing about posting flyers in businesses is that your potential clients are not limited solely to individuals who patronize the businesses. Distributing your flyers at businesses is also helpful in obtaining new clients because you may find that some clients prefer to have their car detailed while they are at work, so there is no interruption to the other portions of their day.
Becoming a Certified Detailer
Though it may seem like an unnecessary task, becoming a certified detailer can be extremely useful in helping your mobile car wash business gain new clients. The International Detailing Association offers a certification program that will grant the individual who completes the program with the International Detailing Association Certified Detailer title. As with anything, there is risk involved to potential clients who choose to use the services provided by your mobile car wash business. Becoming certified can help to ease the minds of your potential clients. Choosing to become certified also demonstrates to potential clients that you are dedicated to providing only the best service backed by training and knowledge.
Participating in the certification program is a very simple and seamless process. The program consists of two different phases that must be completed consecutively. Phase one of the program requires that you complete the Certified Detailer exams. This portion is a set of ten exams with subject areas, including Interior Detailing, Chemicals, and Safety and Compliance. You must score an 80% or better on each subject to pass the exam. You are afforded one free second attempt at passing the exam if you fail to achieve the minimum passing percentage. Bear in mind that if you do not pass the exam on your second attempt, any subsequent attempts will result in a $10 fee to purchase an exam retake. Once you have successfully passed the ten exams, you can then move forward to phase two of the certification process.
Phase two is comprised of the Skills Validated tests which gauge “hands on” abilities. This phase must be completed individually and one-on-one with a trainer. This portion of the exam is administered in a scenario-type format to fully demonstrate the expected abilities of a detailer. Once this phase is completed, you will officially be certified, and your skill will be validated because of the phase two testing performed. Keep in mind that if you choose to become certified, you will be required to meet specific criteria every two years. If you do not meet the required standards every two years, your certification will expire. Maintenance of your certification requires the completion of eight hours of detailing-related continuing education every two years. The International Detailing Association lists tips and different available courses on their website for those looking for ways to fulfill their bi-annual education credit requirements.
Attending Local Car Meets
A car meet is an organized event in which local car enthusiasts gather to share their passion for all things automotive. Car enthusiasts from within your local community likely have several planned meets or car shows which can be helpful in gaining new clients for your mobile car wash business. You can search for local car meetups using social media apps such as Facebook or apps dedicated to bringing automotive fans together, such as CarMeets. Once you get a feel for the structure and setting of your local car meets, try to build and maintain connections with the individuals in attendance. Networking with automotive buffs is a great way to get your business out into view of a specific demographic known to be particular about their automobiles.
Participating in car meets is also useful for obtaining clients because it provides your business the opportunity to network with those who are likely to have a genuine interest in your services. Since those attending the car meet are likely to be interested in using the services provided by your mobile car wash business, you want to be sure to take this opportunity to put your creativity to work again. You can create coupons to pass out at the car meets that provide specialized discounts specifically for those at the car meet. This allows those in attendance to be awarded exclusive deals. You can also generate special promotions that can be themed or based on the theme of the car meet you are attending. Car meets are also an opportunity for you to display your interpersonal skills and talk to potential clients face-to-face. This is an opportunity for you to make a lasting in-person impression on potential future clients. How you are perceived will significantly influence how your mobile car wash cleaning business is perceived.
In addition to the ability to create a lasting first impression, car meets also provide your business the opportunity to see the needs of the consumer face-to-face. At the car meets, you can query individuals on their opinions and experiences regarding car detailing and what factors are most important to them when they have their vehicle detailed. Having this many interested parties can genuinely help you make any necessary changes within your processes if you notice that it would positively impact the happiness of your clients. This is basically providing your business with free market research. You can take what you learn from the automotive fans and use it to improve your business processes, increase client satisfaction, and increase client retention.
Using Online Directories to List Your Business
Finally, one of the most important tasks to complete to gain more clients for your mobile car wash business is to list your business in online directories. There are numerous platforms for listing your business details for potential clients to search and compare you to other companies. Listing your business in online directories is essential because it creates a bridge between your business and potential clients. If clients cannot find your business’s contact information, they will not be able to reach out to you to inquire about your services and availability. The easier it is for potential clients to contact your business, the more likely it is that they will reach out with questions or concerns. If the process to reach out to your mobile car wash business is too convoluted, it will discourage potential clients as they will feel like the process is already too tricky before any interaction has even occurred. Be sure not to limit your possibilities by failing to update, add or correct your information, especially on the most popular review sites.
The top two online directories that you want to be sure your information is updated and accurate on are Google and Yelp. Both of these directories will allow you to claim your business if partial information is already listed. Alternatively, you can create a new business listing. Keep in mind that both Google and Yelp allow users to write reviews of their experiences with the businesses whose services they employ. This can be helpful for your business in attracting new clients because potential clients can read previous customer reviews that highlight the client’s overall satisfaction with the services provided by your mobile car wash business. If you continually maintain positive reviews from clients, potential clients will be more comfortable reaching out to you and using your services for the first time.
When using online directories, be sure that your business hours and contact information are up to date in each directory. It may be helpful to take time once every other week to maintain your business profile in online directories. Especially if you are receiving reviews from clients on various sites, setting aside a specific time to respond as well as make any updates or changes to your profile will help ensure that your information is always up to date and keep you abreast of any potential pitfalls if, for instance, a client posts a negative review. If you are continually following up on reviews, you may even be able to turn a negative review into a positive one with the right amount of effort. Since listing in most online directories is free, it is wise to utilize them to benefit your mobile car wash business.

Join Our Facebook Community
Join Facebook GroupAll in all, there are many ways to obtain new clients for your mobile car wash business. Creating content-rich flyers that reflect your business’s core will allow you to reach both those in apartments and others such as homeowners. Simply placing your flyer within the daily foot traffic of already successful businesses will allow your mobile car wash business to obtain a high level of exposure. This type of exposure is critical if your business is just starting out and you are seeking to get the local community acclimated to hearing your business’s name and recognizing your business and the services it provides. Even if only subconsciously, this type of exposure plants a seed within the minds of individuals passing by.
Though there is a small cost associated with it, choosing to become certified will assist your mobile car wash business in obtaining new clients. If you personally had to choose between an individual who has been tested and certified and one who has not, can you honestly say you would have no preference? This is the reality of the business, and choosing to get a certification indicates that you are serious about your work and that you are willing to invest the time required to gain your original certification and maintain your certification over the years.
Attending local car meets is a third method for your mobile car wash business to get more clients. The local vehicle meets bring together those who share in love and near-obsession with automobiles. By including yourself in different car meets, you will continue to remind people of your business so that they become more familiar with your business and your brand. You can use the meets as an opportunity to offer special deals and campaigns to those in attendance. Those who choose your service will spread the word about your business via word of mouth at the car meets, resulting in more potential clients interested in your services. Finally, correcting or creating business profile information in online directories is pivotal in assuring your mobile car wash business can acquire new clients. Your business is unlikely to be found by many potential clients if your contact information is not readily available.
Making use of online directories ensures that those who may be trying to Google your business are able to quickly locate your business details and provide assistance with any questions they may have regarding the services offered by your mobile car wash business. Online directories will allow your business to be searched within their database. Individuals can also post ratings and reviews for businesses they have patronized, meaning the more positive experiences you provide, the greater your rating will be on each of the available online directories. Despite clients’ options to leave negative reviews, if you continuously provide top-tier service and treat your customers and their time and automobile with respect, you are not likely to encounter many negative reviews. Making use of the many suggestions provided will assist your mobile car wash business in getting new clients. Not only will your business gain new clients, but it will also create a strong foundation for the company within the local community.