LinkedIn is the world’s largest connected professional network. It is American-oriented and is accessible via websites as well as on mobile phones. Generally used for professional networking, LinkedIn creates opportunities for individuals to link with potential employers. For a new cleaning business, LinkedIn can help obtain new clients. To assist you with getting new clients for your cleaning business, LinkedIn allows your business to create a service page. A LinkedIn service page is a dedicated landing page that will showcase your cleaning business’s services free of charge. Once you have your service page created, you will want to update your service page to include a polished version of your business specifics and add any additional services that your cleaning business will provide. LinkedIn provides business owners the opportunity to invite clients to post reviews concerning the quality of service your cleaning business offers to further increase your odds of acquiring new clients. Next, you want to be sure that you share valuable content on your LinkedIn page to assist with growing your online presence. Finally, you can acquire more clients by posting on LinkedIn’s microblogging platform.
Creating a LinkedIn Service Page
The first step towards gaining new clients for your cleaning business involves creating a service page. Many online platforms that connect individuals have the option for you to also present yourself as a business. This is an essential free feature to take advantage of because it allows you to have your business represented within the world’s largest online professional network. If you want to acquire more clients, you must take advantage of the free services provided by LinkedIn’s service page offerings. At no cost to you, your cleaning business can be displayed for many potential clients to see.
Creating a LinkedIn service page is a simple task. Make sure that you already have a personal LinkedIn profile set up before creating a LinkedIn service page. Once you have completed your personal profile and are logged in, you will need to click the profile icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. This will then open options, and you will need to co choose “Open to.” Next, select “Providing services,” and follow that by selecting the “continue” button once you have reviewed the “How it works” section.
When you are on the landing page to create a LinkedIn page, you will choose the option for small businesses. This is the choice only if your cleaning business employs less than 200 employees. Here you will have to list your company name and specify the size, industry, and type of your company. A vital factor to remember to complete within this section is uploading a logo. Though logos are small, they are often what makes a company stand out from others, so you must choose a logo that is representative of your business and is memorable. You will also see an option to insert a tagline. A tagline is a short sentence that briefly describes your cleaning business. Be sure to add a unique tagline that potential clients can remember you buy.
Polishing Your Business Page and Updating Your Services
Once you have created your cleaning businesses page, you will have the opportunity to edit your business profile and edit your services. This is important because providing accurate information regarding your cleaning business’s services is imperative to acquiring new clients. Anyone seeking to find a new cleaning business is likely to want to know the cost of services. If your cleaning business is transparent in posting prices, clients will be much more likely to stop and engage with your LinkedIn business page. In addition, you want to make sure that you have edited your business page to include a link to your website. This is important because it will allow you to direct potential clients directly to your own personal website, enabling you to better represent your cleaning business and the services you provide. The business page on LinkedIn is somewhat limited, but it can provide the foundation needed for you to drive more traffic to your website. These things work together to increase traffic to your website and boost your results in online search results. The more prominent your cleaning business becomes, the greater number of clients you will acquire.
To edit the services of your LinkedIn service page, you will want to click the profile icon at the top of the cleaning business’s homepage. Next, click the option that says “Providing services.” This option will be located in a module below your profile intro screen. Once you have reached this point, simply click the “Edit page” button. When editing, you will be able to update, add or remove services from your business page. Remember to be accurate in your portrayal of prices to your potential clients. If you are offering promotional pricing, make sure that you are clear that the current pricing is due to a promotion, or instead of changing your pricing, promote the sale in a different area of your LinkedIn business page.
Soliciting Review for Your Business Page
Another key tool that LinkedIn offers for your cleaning business is the ability to solicit reviews from clients for your business page. Most everyone is aware of one review site or another and has used the information found within the review to decide whether or not to purchase services. Your cleaning business must take advantage of the opportunity to solicit reviews. If you have a business page on LinkedIn, but there are no reviews available regarding the quality of your services, it is not likely that many people will reach out to your cleaning business even if they do have slight curiosity about the services your business provides.
People like to read other people’s experiences and see whether or not your business is consistent in providing services to clients. Reviews can make or break a company at times, so you want to be sure you invite clients that will give meaningful thoughts and not just one sentence. You also want to be careful when inviting a client to post a review because they may share a negative experience that you may not have even known occurred. Before asking a client to review your service page, a good idea would be to reach out to the client to see if they have any questions or concerns regarding the services they have received. Take time to sit down with the client and go over how satisfied they are with your services. If you can gauge their level of satisfaction, you can better determine whether they would be an excellent candidate to request to review your services page. If they have some concerns or feel your services are subpar, this gives you an opportunity to fix whatever issues they are having.
Inviting clients to review your service page is a simple process. Again you will start by clicking the profile icon at the top of the LinkedIn homepage. Next, click on the “View Profile” button to be directed to your profile. At the top module, you will then click “Providing services” and “Invite to review.” When you invite a client to review, you will be required to select a service category. Follow through the prompts to make your selections and add the client you are soliciting the review from. Finally, clicking the “Invite” button will send out your invite. A good thing to keep in mind is that you can only invite up to 20 past clients to write reviews for your cleaning business. If you send out an invite but later decide you no longer want to have that client submit a review, there is an option to withdraw your invitation. From the providing services module, click “client list” on the left pane and choose the option “withdraw” to permanently delete the invitation. You can opt to send a message to the client when you delete the invitation, but it is not a requirement.
Sharing Valuable Content
LinkedIn, though meant for professional linking, does have somewhat of a social media feel to it. You want to make sure that your business has a presence on the internet. If you just have your business page and there is no buzz generated around your cleaning business, you will be less likely to attract new clients. Sharing valuable content is the best way to make sure your cleaning business is often being seen so that it sits in the back of the minds of potential clients until the day they become in need of your particular set of services. If they have seen you active, they will remember your business and look into your business page to find out more about your services. Just because someone is not in immediate need of your services does not mean they will not be in the future. By sharing valuable content through means such as regularly posting status updates, you ensure that your cleaning business is well-known to those who are active on the site.

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Microblogging is another effective method for assisting your cleaning business in obtaining clients. Microblogs are articles that are published on LinkedIn’s platform. You can publish articles that are related to your expertise and interests. When viewing your profile, potential clients will see articles displayed in the “Activity” section, and these are shared with your connections and within the feeds of other LinkedIn users. While it may not seem relevant to a cleaning business, publishing articles on the LinkedIn platform is a crucial method that will allow your cleaning business to acquire new clients. First, the creation of articles and a public profile will allow your articles to be searched both through LinkedIn and search engines. This means that you have the opportunity to somewhat saturate searches regarding your cleaning business simply by submitting your articles. If you were to do this on your own website, it would not be as successful because you do not have as much traffic already, so your cleaning business page is likely listed much further into the search pages than LinkedIn results would be. This gives you a leg up because it makes your cleaning business more visible online and can drive more potential clients to your business.
Creating quality articles is imperative for obtaining new clients. It is not okay to simply reuse information from other websites or online sources. You want your content to be unique and at least 500 words each. Information within your article needs to be educational and helpful and include tips or interesting facts related to your particular industry. By doing this, you illustrate that your cleaning business is knowledgeable in the field. Before you publish an article to LinkedIn, it is imperative that you print a hard copy of the article if you do not plan to pay to have someone edit the article for you. By printing the paper and reading it, you will be better able to catch any grammatical or spelling errors. Also, be sure to use the spelling and grammar checker within your word processor to ensure your article does not contain too many mistakes. Publishing an article is an excellent way to generate connections, and connections often turn into new clients. Continuously providing unique, sound, or entertaining content will allow you to continue to acquire clients and continue to create a positive online presence for your cleaning business.
Overall, using LinkedIn can be a great method for you to gain new clients. First, creating a LinkedIn business page will allow you to lay the foundation and get your cleaning business name out there. Once you have made your profile, you can edit and adjust any necessary services your cleaning business provides. Soliciting reviews from previous clients allows you to demonstrate to potential clients that your cleaning business provides consistent quality work. Sharing valuable content and microblogging will enable you to maintain your online presence and draw in new clients. If properly used, LinkedIn can lead to an extensive network of connections and a multitude of new clients.