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More industries and areas to come.

We will send you a tailored list of our best cleaning services instantly. All businesses offer 10%-25% OFF for first time clients.


How Does It Work?

All businesses in our marketplace need to meet several minimum requirements. First of all, they must be a BookingKoala user. We believe the customer should have access to every possible feature to keep you completely satisfied, all the time. No customer should have to go through a complicated experience creating a booking, or exchanging multiple emails and phone calls to make a simple change. With our advanced technology, we allow customers to book and manage their services at anytime, receive notifications and reminders about your service, leave feedback directly through their portal, and refer friends through a loyalty program. No more phone calls or in-home estimates! All it takes is 60 seconds to fill out the online form. Secondly, they must have a minimum requirement for completed bookings and their total number of reviews. This is to ensure that they are an operational company and are heading in the right direction.


Our Mission

We want to inspire up and coming entrepreneurs by showing them that you can build big businesses without funding, and help them get there. We give businesses the chance to gain customers through our marketplace, and you as a shopper gains access to the best features and perks from our technology.


Our Story

BookingKoala was originally built to help scale a cleaning service to over $5,000,000, all by the time our co-founder Filip Boksa turned 22. Filip did that with only $6,000. He was able to scale so quickly because he studied the most common problems and requests received from his customers. Using this insight, he began to develop a system to make things easier on customers and businesses. BookingKoala was started a few years later after many others wanted to try out the technology. Instead of selling it, we turned it into a business of its own! Today, thousands of people from all industries, sizes and countries use and trust BookingKoala. BookingKoala is growing without any outside funding in order to inspire others that it is, in fact, possible to grow services without funding.


Are you a business that needs more clients?

We’re not just an online booking software. BookingKoala is a platform that has everything you need to grow a service business, from software to a marketplace.

Are you a business in an industry or area we don’t cover yet?

Sign up for BookingKoala