We request BK provide an option to set a different Non-Travel Time Break for both Merchant Location (M.L) and Service Area (S.A) locations.

There are circumstances where having just a single overarching setting for the Non-Travel Time Break that applies to both M.L and S.A locations causes problems for providers.

For example, we have discovered that bookings made in the same suburb do not seem to be considered as different locations by Booking Koala. This means customers have been able to book these jobs in these locations back-to-back when we’ve set a 15 Travel Time Break. Even though the jobs are close by, we’re unable to get to the next job on time.

When we set a 15 minute Non-Travel Time Break, customers were no longer able to book back-to-back bookings in the same suburb which is what we require.

However, the Non-Travel Time Break caused us issues in our Merchant Location bookings as customers were no longer able to create back-to-back bookings in our workshop (M.L) location.

As we require back-to-back bookings at our M.L. we had to remove the Non-Travel Time Break from the settings.

However, this reintroduces the first problem where customers can book back-to-back if they happen to be in the same suburb (as Travel Time Breaks are not applying to those bookings).

Therefore, we request an option to set a different Non-Travel Time Break for both Merchant Location (M.L) and Service Area (S.A) locations.

That is unless the Devs can think of an alternative solution that achieves the same outcome.

By Meridith

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