1. A list of my CUSTOMERS. Customers are defined as anyone who has paid me for cleaning ever, regardless of if they are booked currently or not. This list needs to be segmented by ALL the fields from name, to number, to email to address, to booking types, frequency, etc.

2. A list of all of my regular BK CONTACTS. Regular BK contacts Contacts are defined as anyone who is entered in the BK system. This list needs to be segmented by ALL the fields from name, to number, to email to address, to booking types, frequency, if applicable, etc.

3. A list of all of my BK Campaign Platform CONTACTS. BK Campaign Platform Contacts are defined as every single contact that is in the BK Campaigns Platform. This list needs to be segmented by ALL the fields from name, to number, to email to address, to booking types, frequency, if applicable, etc.

4. A list of all my Current CUSTOMERS. Current Customers are defined as people who are ‘currently booked’ with me both regular recurring and as-needed/on-off. This list needs to be segmented by ALL the fields from name, to number, to email to address, to booking types, and especially frequency.

5. A list of all Cancelled Recurring CUSTOMERS. Cancelled recurring customers are defined as people who had a recurring service and they no longer have that recurring service.

By Meridith

This user was created automatically by the IdeaPush plugin.

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